ML.NET brings the power of machine learning to all .NET developers and Programming ML.NET helps you apply it in real production solutions. Modeled on Dino Espositos best-selling Programming ASP.NET, this book takes the same scenario-based approach Microsofts team used to build ML.NET itself. After a foundational overview of ML.NETs libraries, the authors illuminate mini-frameworks (ML Tasks) for regression, classification, ranking, anomaly detection, and more. For each ML Task, they offer insights for overcoming common real-world challenges. Finally, going far beyond shallow learning, the authors thoroughly introduce ML.NET neural networking. They present a complete example application demonstrating advanced Microsoft Azure cognitive services and a handmade custom Keras network showing how to leverage popular Python tools within .NET.

14-time Microsoft MVP Dino Esposito and son Francesco Esposito show how to: Build smarter machine learning solutions that are closer to yo …