Angular 2 Development with Typescript teaches you what you need to start using Angular, while you also learn TypeScript and how to take advantage of its benefits.
Whether you’re building web clients or full-featured SPAs, using the Angular 2 web framework is a liberating experience. Its declarative style makes it easy to define and add features without a lot of manually written boilerplate, and the fully integrated TypeScript language gives you the benefits of a statically typed language within the JavaScript ecosystem. Not to mention that adding Angular 2 and TypeScript to your skill set makes you a hot commodity.
Angular 2 Development with Typescript introduces Angular 2 to developers comfortable using AngularJS v1 or other web frameworks. You’ll start by exploring how Angular 2 works in an online auction application. Along the way, you’ll learn to use TypeScript to write type-aware classes, interfaces, and generics. This is a practical book that covers …