Ephron, Hallie, author.
297 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
“The complete guide to mystery, suspense, & crime” — Cover.
A fully updated and thoroughly revised edition of WD’s classic tome on mystery writing, the first edition of which was a finalist for an Edgar Award, the biggest honour in mystery-writing circles. In the decade since the first edition was published, the popularity of the mystery, suspense and crime genres has come roaring back with books like ‘Gone Girl’, ‘The Girl on the Train’, ‘The Silent Wife’, and ‘Big Little Lies’. Mystery has even become a hot commodity in young adult fiction, with books such as the Edgar Award-winning ‘Paper Towns’. This new edition will be expanded to touch upon new developments in the mystery genres, as well as adding new material to expand upon the mystery sub-genres of crime and suspense.