Foster, Richard J.
[San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, ©1998.
xvi, 424 pages ; 22 cm
Imitatio: the divine paradigm. — The contemplative tradition: discovering the prayer-filled life. — The holiness tradition: discovering the virtuous life. — The charismatic tradition: discovering the spirit-empowered life. — The social justice tradition: discovering the compassionate life. — The evangelical tradition: discovering the word-centered life. — The incarnational tradition: discovering the sacramental life.
Richard Foster founded RENOVARE (Latin for “to make new”) for the purpose of encouraging long-term commitment to spiritual renewal and growth. Now, in this landmark work, he examines the foundation of Christian experience–six dimensions of faith and practice–and explains the unique contributions of each one. These great historical movements or “streams,” as Foster calls them, are Contemplative, Holiness, Charismatic, Social Justice, Evangelical and Incarnational. Each stream emphasizes a different aspect of life and faith for example, the Contemplative way is a prayer-filled life, while the way of Holiness is a life of virtue. Foster lifts up the enduring character of each tradition in the midst of constantly evolving faith. He shows how a variety of practices, from individual study and retreat to disciplines of service and community, are all essential elements of growth and maturity. What Foster ultimately discovers is that while each tradition is capable of providing spiritual growth, the most complete renewal can only come from combining the best from each tradition. Stream of Living Water integrates Foster’s work in seeking the most complete, most fulfilling path to spiritual renewal. He identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each tradition and offers practical ways to incorporate these traditions in our daily life–offering his devoted readership a clear and tangible course to authentic Christian experience.