With its emphasis on project-based practice, Real World Python will take you from playing with syntax to writing complete programs in no time. You’ll conduct experiments, explore statistical concepts, and solve novel problems that have frustrated geniuses throughout history, like detecting distant exoplanets, as you continue to build your Python skills.

Chapters begin with a clearly defined project goal and a discussion of ways to attack the problem, followed by a mission designed to make you think like a programmer. You’ll direct a Coast Guard search-and-rescue effort, plot and execute a NASA flight to the moon, protect access to a secure lab using facial recognition, and more. Along the way you’ll learn how to: Use libraries like matplotlib, NumPy, Bokeh, pandas, Requests, Beautiful Soup, and turtle; Work with Natural Language Processing and computer vision modules like NLTK and OpenCV; Write a program to detect and track objects moving across a starfield; Scrape speec …