by kdowli01 (Falls Church, VA): This was so good! I absolutely loved all the characters, and it was surprisingly emotional. This is the next book by the author of We Are the Brennans, which I didn’t dislike, but didn’t love it like others seemed to. For whatever reason, this book spoke to me so much more!

This starts with Tara Connelly getting released from prison after serving 18 months for drug trafficking. She goes back home to live with her brother and sister, who each have their own secrets, which all come together in a way that risks their family and Tara’s newfound freedom.

I loved how every character had their (in some cases very significant) issues, and how real the interactions between them felt. It was easy to root for each of them but also dislike each of them in turn. I ended up just a hair shy of 5 stars because some parts came together slightly too perfectly and I was just so frustrated by some stupid decisions, but this was still such a good read!