by Ann E Beman: In this debut supernatural thriller, a young Cree woman’s dreams lead her back home, where a wheetigo (windigo) preys on the family’s grief for her grandmother and her sister. Mackenzie has tried to run away from her family and their losses, but her nightmares have started to bleed into reality and she returns home to relearn the strength of family, community, and connection to the land. “That’s the best and worst thing about being connected to everything: you are a part of it all, but you can’t choose what gets sent out into the world. Or what can find you.” This is a supernatural horror thriller that explores generational trauma, touching on themes of grief and family and the devastation wrought on native lands by industrial greed and negligence. An impressive debut by Jessica Johns, a member of Sucker Creek First Nation in Treaty 8 territory in Northern Alberta, Canada.
Thanks @DoubledayBooks and NetGalley for an opportunity to read an advanced reader copy and share my opinion of this book.