At last, a lively guided tour through all the features, functions, and applications of the Racket programming language. You’ll learn a variety of coding paradigms, including iterative, object oriented, and logic programming; create interactive graphics, draw diagrams, and solve puzzles as you explore Racket through fun computer science topics – from statistical analysis to search algorithms, the Turing machine, and more.

Early chapters cover basic Racket concepts like data types, syntax, variables, strings, and formatted output. You’ll learn how to perform math in Racket’s rich numerical environment, and use programming constructs in different problem domains (like coding solutions to the Tower of Hanoi puzzle). Later, you’ll play with plotting, grapple with graphics, and visualize data. Then, you’ll escape the confines of the command line to produce animations, interactive games, and a card trick program that’ll dazzle your friends.

You’ll learn how tot: …