Quickly scale up to Quantum computing and Quantum machine learning foundations and related mathematics and expose them to different use cases that can be solved through Quantum based algorithms.This book explains Quantum Computing, which leverages the Quantum mechanical properties sub-atomic particles. It also examines Quantum machine learning, which can help solve some of the most challenging problems in forecasting, financial modeling, genomics, cybersecurity, supply chain logistics, cryptography among others.
You’ll start by reviewing the fundamental concepts of Quantum Computing, such as Dirac Notations, Qubits, and Bell state, followed by postulates and mathematical foundations of Quantum Computing. Once the foundation base is set, you’ll delve deep into Quantum based algorithms including Quantum Fourier transform, phase estimation, and HHL (Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd) among others.
You’ll then be introduced to Quantum machine learning and Quantum deep lea …