The Northeast Seattle branch of the seed library will now begin taking orders to be filled virtually. Recipients will pick up orders in the Ravenna neighborhood.
Visit the Seed Library page on the NE Seattle Tool Library’s website to learn more about this branch.
Here’s how it will work:
- Browse the current NE Seattle branch seed inventory list.
- Take note of the crop and common name of each seed you would like.
- Please limit your order to 10 items.
- Send an email with your list and name to Please write “Seed Order” in the email subject line.
- We will package and label your seeds (small quantities only, regardless of our “KCSLL Supply” designation).
- If we run out of an item, we might substitute another variety of the same crop.
- We will respond with an email telling you where you can pick up your seeds.
Seed orders will be taken to our pickup location twice a week. Each order will be packaged with the recipient’s name on the bag. We suggest you take the same precautions when handling the package as you would at a grocery store. To be extra-safe, use gloves when taking the seed order home, then let it sit for 72 hours before opening it. We also ask that recipients practice proper social distancing if another recipient is at the pickup location.
Unfortunately, we are unable to take seed donations at this time. Please (safely) share with your neighbors and friends! Hopefully, we will be able to reopen our physical branches and resume regular activity later this spring.