Expand your expertise – and teach yourself the fundamentals of programming with the latest version of Visual C# with Visual Studio 2017. If you are an experienced software developer, you’ll get all the guidance, exercises, and code you need to start building responsive, scalable, cloud-connected applications that can run almost anywhere.
Discover how to: Quickly start creating Visual C# code and projects with Visual Studio 2017; Work with variables, operators, expressions, methods, and program flow; Build more robust apps with error, exception, and resource management; Spot problems fast with the Visual Studio debugger; Make the most of improvements to C# methods, parameters, and switch statements; Master the C# object model, and create your own functional data structures; Leverage advanced properties, indexers, generics, and collection classes; Create Windows 10 apps that share data, collaborate, and use cloud services; Integrate Cortana to voice-enable your application …