The Mostly-True Account of a Cross-Country Car and Bicycle Adventure

Author: Al Macy

Language: en

Published: 2014

Author Al Macy is a character and a tightwad with a unique sense of humor. He and his wife squirreled away enough money to retire early, do interesting things, and take unusual trips. As he puts it:

“Every day I wake up with nothing to do, and by the end of the day, I’ve only gotten half of it done.”

During his working life, Macy was a neuroscientist, computer game programmer, jazz trombonist, chef, CEO, piano player, clam digger, and technical writer.

The book is a journal of a car/bicycle/camping trip from California to St. Louis and back, but Macy promises that “if it starts sounding like one of your brother-in-law’s boring slide shows, I will stop this book, and we’ll turn around and go home. I mean it.”

Interspersed with the journal chapters, you’ll find thought-provoking life tips, stories from the past, and descriptions of Al’s wacky inventions. You’ll hear poignant anecdotes about what happened when doctors discovered a golf-ball-sized tumor in his wife’s brain and how everything they owned burned.