Use the code-driven approach of Entity Framework Core 5 to build a functional web application that accesses a database on the backend server. This book covers the common use cases of Entity Framework that a developer needs to master in order to begin building applications that run against a database. Throughout the book you will be shown how to use Entity Framework Core 5 by implementing a simple ASP.NET Core Razor Pages line-of-business application. This example application will be similar to those you might write yourself and deploy to your users on a web or intranet site via a browser.
This book takes a code-first approach in which your database will be created and seeded programmatically. You won’t need to create the database through your database engine’s interface. Instead, you will be shown how to define your data model in Entity Framework, and then let Entity Framework do the work of creating your database and schema for you. From there you will learn how to seed …